Press Release “Stories Untold ΙΙ” Art from Syria
Wednesday 19th September 2018 8 p.m. Glass Building Garden of the Sculptures New Waterfront Thessaloniki
Thessaloniki: The Directorate of Culture and Tourism of the City of Thessaloniki presents the exhibition “Stories Untold II” at the glass building of the Garden of Sculptures – Waterfront Thessaloniki.
After its remarkable success in spring, Stories Untold II comes back to Thessaloniki enriched with new artworks from Syria. The exhibition is a part of parallel events of the 53rd Dimitria of the City of Thessaloniki, a festival which brings art and culture to the for front of Thessaloniki.
Artists who lived in Syria throughout the years of war, witnessing all the challenging conditions of pain, loss and fear, still able to create art that is hopeful and inspiring.
The beautiful paintings present significant messages of hope, peace, love, life and resilience despite the war.
The power of the resilience gives us a real lesson of loving life and the power of art and culture in overcoming darkness.
The “light” presented in the pieces symbolizes the hope of a better future and appreciation of all beautiful aspects of life despite the intensity of pain or loss.
Stories Untold II is a creation of Manas Art Platform with the collaboration of friends from Greece, London and Syria.
With the auspice of Greek national commission of UNESCO, the exhibition will be touring abroad after Thessaloniki and Athens.
The opening of the exhibition is on Wednesday 19 of September 2018 at 20:00, and the artworks are available for people until 14 of October.
Title : Stories Untold II
Duration : 19 September – 14 October
Location: Glass Building at the Garden of sculptures – waterfront of Thessaloniki