Salonico Sephardic music concert
Παρ04Οκτ21:00Salonico Sephardic music concertby Tanz-i-mat project21:00(GMT+00:00)
Free Admission
Event Details
This concert comprises melodic relics of a formerly rising community in Thessaloniki that was distinguished due to the rage of the 2nd World War and all those horrible Nazi opinions.
Event Details
This concert comprises melodic relics of a formerly rising community in Thessaloniki that was distinguished due to the rage of the 2nd World War and all those horrible Nazi opinions. Those songs were sung in ladino, a language which is also about to disappear.
You will listen to very popular songs among them some other less or not popular at all. These songs were sung by the Jews of Thessaloniki and their interpretation was based on old archives kept by Jews of Thessaloniki as well as on recordings during the 30’s and 40’s in America.
Artists-participants: Dimitris Vasileiadis-psaltery/research, Kosta Papagiannidis-oud, Elena Moudiri-Chasiotou-song, Loukas Metaxas- percussion, Chrysanthi Gkika- byzantine lyre, Pamir Panya- ney.
4 Οκτώβριος 2019 21:00(GMT+00:00)