
The Dimitria Festival is a historic institution and one of the most important cultural events in Greece, and, as such, is attempting to establish itself as a constantly evolving celebration.

In its effort to modernize itself it aims at standing out as a powerful trademark with a modern voice.
Our corporate partners have the opportunity to:
•    Align themselves with a long standing trademark that stands out for its cultural interest and significant recreational offerings
•    Renew their commitment to supporting the culture and economy of Thessaloniki, Macedonia, and Greece
•    Upgrade their profile through their interaction with the large audience of the Dimitria who have diverse interests
•    Create opportunities for the exclusive, exciting, and targeted development of specialized events.

The sooner you get in touch with us, the greater the benefits will be from our partnership.

We are here for you to discuss how your connection to the significant and constantly evolving Dimitria Festival, the second largest festival in the country, can benefit your company.


For more information, call 0030 2313 318 530 or email: