Παρ11Οκτ(Οκτ 11)00:00Σάβ12(Οκτ 12)00:00Noraby Henrik Ibsen 00:00 - 00:00 (12)(GMT+00:00)
General: 10€ Students: 8€
Event Details
Performed by “tgSTAN” Photo: Magda Bizarro
Event Details
Photo: Magda Bizarro
A production of Ibsen’s masterpiece from the avant-garde Flemish company “Toneelspelersgezelschap STAN”. Excellent acting and stagecraft, contemporary aesthetic, timely political commentary on the consumer society, moral boundaries, our inner alienation. A theatrical collective that ignores theatrical dogma, insists on direct communication with the audience and allows the actors a certain independence from directorial authority. Two keywords characterise Tg STAN: “actor-oriented” and “undogmatic”. The undogmatic aspect is reflected in the name – S(top) T(hinking) A(bout) N(ames) – as well as in the repertoire.
Nora Helmer: Wine Dierickx
Torvald Helmer: Frank Vercruyssen
Kristine Linde: Jolente De Keersmaeker
Nils Krogstad: Tiago Rodrigues
Dr. Rank: Tiago Rodrigues
Elena: Jolente De Keersmaeker
Lighting: Thomas Walgrave
Costumes: An d’ Huys
Technical heads: André Calado and Tim Wouters
Production: tg STAN
In English with Greek subtitles
Co-production: House on Fire, Teatro Maria Matos (Lisbon), BIT Teatergarasjen (Bergen), Maltafestival (Poznan), Kaaitheater (Brussels)
In co-operation with the Municipality of Kalamaria.
11 Οκτώβριος 2013 00:00 - 12 Οκτώβριος 2013 00:00(GMT+00:00)